Activist, Hip Hop Artist and Journalist AWKWORD interviews social justice leaders

A Social Justice Audio Interview Series by AWKWORD

Episodes 1 + 2


AWKWORD Interviews Christopher blackwell, Incarcerated Journalist & Organizer

AWKWORD interviews Christopher Blackwell, incarcerated journalist and prison organizer, Look2Justice co-founder and Empowerment Ave mentor, about the causes of crime, life behind bars, the harms of incarceration, the prison industrial complex, prison journalism and organizing, crime prevention, transformative justice and rehabilitation.


AWKWORD Interviews Temujin Kensu, Wrongfully Incarcerated for 3 Decades+

AWKWORD interviewed Temujin Kensu May 2020 about his innocence, and life in prison during COVID-19 (click button to read interview). Then, on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2020, he called to check up. This is their conversation.